Almost 5 years later, when 2 becomes 4.

In 2013, I shot the wedding of Kay and Tony. Almost 5 years later, I had the chance to do their growing family portrait. It is simply the best feeling when I get to see my bride and groom expand and have lots of kids. It is all part of an experience to grow up/old with the friends and families I make over the years. 

Special shout out to the Tsai Family. 3 siblings, 2 wedding photography done and dusted by me, and the final Lil' Miss Tsai's Wedding is coming up second half of this year. Thank you guys for the trust and support you have in me and my team. 

Hope you guys all have lots of kids, and they all get me to do their wedding photos in like year 2040... :) LOL hope I am still up for it! 


Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your Wedding!

This year is full of surprises, wedding dates that are not on the usual Saturday and Sundays. 

Earlier this year, we shot a wedding on Valentines Day, and this time, we shot the wedding on the Easter Monday, also the Bride's birthday! Happy Birthday Carina. I should have charged double time as it was a public holiday.. hm.. haha.. just kidding. 

Maybe I should have done that as well.. so it will make the anniversary dates a little easier to remember.. XD

It was a simple wedding ceremony at the Pandanus Beach at Manly. But the simple backdrop showcased two people happily in love with each other. 

I love it. 

PS. Brought out the Canon tilt-shift lens for some shots. Haven't used it for a while, quite refreshing to say the least. 

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GOAT for basketball for me is always going to be Michael Jordan. 

GOAT for tennis, on the other hand is Roger Federer. 

 I was sorting out some old photos and came across Cindy & Peter on their wedding day with tennis GOAT in 2016. 

Memory was as fresh as yesterday since I just watched his Miama Masters match on TV two days ago. Not his best match for sure, but still GOAT! 

I hope one day I will get to take a photo of my idol MJ. =) 


Roger Federer : World Number 1